
Explore Paris: Visit the National Museum of the Middle Ages

Did you know has a hidden gem full of medieval history? It's the National Museum of the Middle Ages, also called the Cluny Museum. Located in the city's heart, it takes you back to medieval times.

The museum showcases amazing art and artifacts from that era. You'll see incredible Gothic architecture and a breathtaking collection of medieval art. It's a top spot for anyone who loves history and art.

A Place Steeped in History: The Cluny Mansion

The Cluny Mansion is now the Cluny Museum, showing off the medieval era. It was built in the late 15th century by Jacques d'Amboise, the Abbot of Cluny. This grand mansion was a symbol of power and wealth for the abbots. Its Gothic style and fancy decor make it perfect for a museum about the Middle Ages.

When you step into the Cluny Mansion, it's like going back in time. You'll see arches and detailed designs characteristic of Gothic architecture. Walking through, you can picture the abbots and their guests in these rooms long ago.

“The Cluny Mansion stands as a testament to the wealth and influence of the Cluny abbots during the medieval period. Its Gothic architecture and opulent interiors make it a place of awe and wonder, where you can truly immerse yourself in the history and spirit of the Middle Ages.”

The Cluny Mansion is also built on old Gallo-Roman baths. You can still see parts of these baths today. This mix of ancient and medieval history adds to the museum's charm.

Inside, you'll find many medieval treasures like sculptures, tapestries, and old manuscripts. Each piece has its own story from the past. They give us a glimpse into medieval art, culture, and everyday life.

The Cluny Museum is a treasure chest for anyone interested in history. It celebrates Gothic architecture and medieval craftsmanship. Going to the Cluny Museum is like traveling back in time. It's a chance to dive into the fascinating world of medieval history.

Masterpieces of Medieval Art

The Cluny Museum boasts an amazing collection of medieval art. It lets you witness a variety of masterpieces. They highlight the era's creativity and skill.

Delicately Carved Statues

Among its treasures are medieval sculptures. The early 14th-century angels of Poissy stand out. Their intricate detail and calm faces fascinate all who see them.

Stunning Examples of Goldsmithery

Moreover, the museum features stunning gothic statues and goldsmithery. You'll see elaborate fibulae and the votive crowns of Guarrazar's Treasure. These pieces reflect medieval goldsmiths' extraordinary talent.

The Beauty of Illuminated Manuscripts

The museum's illuminated manuscripts are a must-see. Works like the Code of Justinian and the Cluny lectionary highlight medieval illumination's detailed artistry. They offer a peek into the era's artistic and literary richness.

Preserved Pieces of Medieval Clothing

Also, the museum preserves medieval clothing. Items like the orphrey of Manassès and Ermengarde's garb offer insights. They shed light on medieval fashion and textiles.

Immerse yourself in medieval art at the Cluny Museum. It offers delicately carved sculptures, breathtaking goldsmithery, illuminated manuscripts, and medieval clothing. This collection opens a window to the Middle Ages' art, culture, and history.

Discover Explore Marvel at
Delicately carved statues Illuminated manuscripts Medieval garments
Breathtaking goldsmithery Gothic statues

A Journey Through Medieval History

As you walk through the Cluny Museum, you start a thrilling trip into the Middle Ages. Dive into medieval history's vivid scenes and uncover the marvels that lie ahead.

The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries:

medieval tapestries

The museum's star exhibits are the stunning Lady and the Unicorn tapestries. Known for their detailed imagery and symbolic themes, these artworks are a testament to medieval artisans' skill. They showcase rich colors and fine craft, reflecting the Middle Ages' artistic brilliance.

Stained Glass:

The stained glass collection at the Cluny Museum offers a window into the past, with scenes of medieval majesty. These pieces feature bright colors and complex patterns that once graced landmarks like La Sainte-Chapelle.


As you explore the museum, you encounter a hallway filled with tombstones. These somber pieces reveal the period's funeral customs, highlighting how people remembered and honored their dead.

Visit the Cluny Museum for an unforgettable journey back in time. Witness the stunning tapestries, beautiful stained glass, and solemn tombstones. This experience deeply connects you with the intriguing history of the Middle Ages.

Explore the Roman Baths

The Cluny Museum in Paris gives you a special chance to see what's left of the Roman baths from the second century. If you love history, this place is for you. Under the museum, you'll find the baths and get a peek into the world of ancient Rome.

Walking through the museum, you'll see parts of the frigidarium, where Romans took cold baths. These pieces show how grand and detailed Roman building was.

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The Roman baths at the Cluny Museum are proof of ancient Rome's smart engineering and careful work.

The Pillar of the Nauti is a standout part of the Roman baths. It's a huge Roman pillar for the god Jupiter. It's also the biggest Roman vault in France, showing the beauty of Roman work.

Seeing the Roman baths at the Cluny Museum is like going back in time. You can picture the busy social life and rituals from long ago. It's a thrilling way to learn about Paris's long history and culture.

Delve Into Romanesque and Gothic Art

The Cluny Museum is also known as the National Museum of the Middle Ages. It showcases Romanesque and Gothic art collections. Explore medieval beauty and craftsmanship in diverse galleries.

Romanesque Gallery: Precious Sculptures

In the Romanesque gallery, find stunning stone, wood, and ivory sculptures. These artworks reveal the Middle Ages' religious and artistic life. Admire the carvings and skilled material use, experiencing Romanesque art's timeless beauty.

Gothic Rooms: Monumental Sculptures

Enter the Gothic rooms and see monumental sculptures from the late 13th and early 14th centuries. Statues from Sainte-Chapelle show Apostles and religious figures. Their dynamic expressions show the Gothic period's artistic evolution.

The Treasury: Dazzling Medieval Jewelry

Don't miss the treasury at the Cluny Museum, with its stunning medieval jewelry. See treasures from Gallic, Barbarian, and Merovingian eras, including Visigoth crowns and double crosses. These pieces show the medieval era's luxury and craftsmanship, giving insight into elite lives.

The Cluny Museum offers captivating Romanesque sculptures, Gothic art grandeur, and medieval jewelry's charm. Experience the Middle Ages' cultural heritage through Romanesque and Gothic art.

Admire the Abbot’s Chapel

The Abbot's Chapel at the Cluny Museum is a remarkable piece of medieval architecture. It stands as one of the few parts of the original mansion that's still here today. The chapel is a showcase of the deep detail and skill of medieval religious art.

When you walk into the Abbot's Chapel, you're greeted with amazing designs and decorations. The ceiling and walls are covered with detailed carvings and colorful stained glass windows. These features take you back to the medieval era, showing you its beauty and richness.

This chapel holds many unique artifacts from the Middle Ages. Among them is the eagle lectern from the 14th century, symbolizing wisdom. You'll also see a valuable copper altar table from the 12th century. These items highlight the excellent skills and deep faith of people from that time.

Entering the Abbot's Chapel makes you feel wonder and deep respect. It's a place to stop, think, and admire the creativity and spiritual depth of the medieval world.

Abbot's Chapel

The Abbot’s Chapel Highlights

Medieval Architecture Medieval Religious Art
The Abbot's Chapel is a remarkable example of medieval architecture, showcasing intricate vaulting and decorative stone carvings. The chapel houses stunning examples of medieval religious art, including exquisite stained glass windows and an eagle lectern from the 14th century.

Step Into the Medieval Garden

The Cluny Museum has a stunning medieval garden, aside from its amazing indoor displays. This garden is split into two parts. It has plants seen in the Cluny tapestries.

Visitors can walk among beds of medicinal herbs, celestial flowers, and love plants. It's a peaceful spot for relaxation, taking you back to the Middle Ages.

Plants Description
Medicinal Herbs The medieval garden at the Cluny Museum features a variety of medicinal herbs. These plants were valued for their healing properties and were commonly used in medieval medicine.
Celestial Flowers Immerse yourself in the beauty of celestial flowers. These vibrant blooms were associated with celestial bodies and were often featured in medieval tapestries.
Plants of Love Discover plants associated with love and romance. These plants were believed to have aphrodisiac properties and were often used in medieval love potions and charms.

Practical Information: Address and Opening Hours

Want to visit the National Museum of the Middle Ages in Paris? It's also called the Cluny Museum. Knowing its address and hours helps plan better.

The Cluny Museum stands at 6 place Paul Painlevé – 75005 PARIS. Metro stations like Cluny-La Sorbonne, Odéon, and Saint-Michel are close by.

You can visit the museum from Wednesday to Monday. It's open from 9:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. This schedule lets you dive deep into medieval times.

Keep in mind, the museum closes on Tuesdays. It's also closed on May 1st, December 25th, and January 1st. Always check their website for any hour changes before going.

The medieval hotel at the museum won't be open until Fall 2020. But, the main museum building still has many cool things to see.

Plan Your Visit

For a solid visit plan to the Cluny Museum, spare enough time to see everything. A few hours will let you enjoy the collection and the peaceful medieval garden.

If you want a guided tour, check the museum's website or ask at the info desk. A guide can really make the history come alive.

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Consider getting a Paris Museum Pass online before you buy tickets. It gets you into many places in Paris for one price, saving money and time.

For the latest info on tickets, tours, special shows, or any closed areas, visit the museum's website. It has everything you need to know.

Paris Museum Pass and Museum Resources

Before you visit the Cluny Museum, think about getting the Paris Museum Pass. It lets you into many museums and sights in the city. You can see the Cluny Museum and much more with this pass.

The Cluny Museum is an important piece of Paris's history. It started in the 19th century with Alexandre du Sommerard's collection of medieval items. Over time, the museum has been updated to keep its history alive and make your visit special.

Cluny Museum Resources

Planning your trip? Use the museum's resources to learn more and have fun. The Cluny Museum gives you different tools to use:

  • Audio guides: These give you a detailed look at the collection, explaining the art and items' history.
  • Guidebooks and brochures: These offer more info on the museum's main points, shows, and past.
  • Museum app: You can download the Cluny Museum app on your phone for a digital tour, diving into the artwork's stories.

These tools help you dive into the Cluny Museum's history and the medieval times, making your visit richer.

Your Paris Museum Pass

The Paris Museum Pass is perfect for seeing lots of museums and places in Paris. It gets you into over 50 spots, like the Cluny Museum, the Louvre, the Orsay Museum, and Versailles.

Buy the Paris Museum Pass online to skip lines and save time. You can pick a pass for 2, 4, or 6 days. It lets you see lots without waiting a lot.

Plan your museum trips ahead. Check when they're open and any special shows or closures. The Paris Museum Pass site has the latest info to help plan your visit.

The Benefits of the Paris Museum Pass

The Paris Museum Pass is great for visitors:

  • Time-saving: You can skip long ticket lines, giving you more time to see things.
  • Cost-effective: It saves money if you're visiting many places.
  • Flexibility: Plan your visits your way, without rushing.
  • Unlimited access: You can visit as much as you want while your pass is good.

Get the Paris Museum Pass to fully enjoy the Cluny Museum and learn about the Middle Ages' art and history.

Participating Museums and Attractions

Museum/Attraction Location Highlights
Cluny Museum 6 place Paul Painlevé – 75005 PARIS Medieval art and artifacts, Roman baths, Gothic architecture
Louvre Museum Rue de Rivoli, 75001 PARIS Iconic artworks like the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, and the Winged Victory of Samothrace
Musée d'Orsay 1 Rue de la Légion d'Honneur, 75007 PARIS Works by Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, and others
Palace of Versailles Place d'Armes, 78000 VERSAILLES Louis XIV's palace, with the Hall of Mirrors and gardens
Notre-Dame Cathedral 6 Parvis Notre-Dame – Pl. Jean-Paul II, 75004 PARIS Gorgeous stained glass and Gothic sculptures

Cluny Museum: A Parisian Hidden Gem

The Cluny Museum is also known as the National Museum of the Middle Ages. It might not be as famous as the Louvre but it's a gem. With its stunning architecture, amazing art, and lovely garden, it's a top spot for history lovers.

Stepping into the Cluny Museum is like going back to the Middle Ages. Its Gothic architecture is breathtaking. Here, you can enjoy the artifacts without the usual crowds.

The museum showcases a vast array of medieval art and artifacts. You'll see everything from detailed statues to ancient clothes. It's a peek into the art and culture of the past.

The Cluny Museum is a hidden gem in Paris. It's full of medieval art and history. Make sure to visit this unique place and see the city's hidden wonders.

The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries are a must-see here. They are considered medieval art masterpieces. Visitors have admired these works for years.

There's also a stunning medieval garden at the museum. Walk through it to see plants from the Cluny tapestries. It's a quiet spot to enjoy nature's beauty.

Why Visit the Cluny Museum?

  • Explore an off-the-beaten-path attraction
  • Discover a remarkable collection of medieval art and artifacts
  • Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages
  • Admire the Gothic architecture of the Cluny Mansion
  • Escape the crowds and enjoy a tranquil experience

Don't overlook the Cluny Museum. Visit and discover the Middle Ages in Paris.

Plan Your Visit to the Cluny Museum

Before you visit the Cluny Museum, always check their website. You'll find updated info on ticket costs, guided tours, and any closures. The museum has many ticket options with discounts for students, seniors, and families. Pick the one that's best for you.

Plan to spend a few hours at the museum to see everything. It has Roman baths, medieval art, and more. Also, visit the museum's beautiful medieval garden. It's a great spot to feel the vibe of the Middle Ages.

A guided tour can make your visit even better. Guides share stories and facts about the museum's key features. You can find tours in several languages, adding more to your visit.

The Cluny Museum is perfect for those who love history or enjoy unique experiences. It takes you back to the medieval times. Don't miss this gem in Paris. Plan your trip now and get ready to be amazed by the museum's rich history and stunning art.

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